If you want to send any communication to be presented as a POSTER, you can use the:
Online Abstract Submission Form
When you send a summary, you must accept the following guidelines:
- Each presenting author can present no more than 3 abstracts.
- The summaries can be written both in English and Spanish and sent to the Technical Secretariat before September 15th, 2024.
- Communications received after this date or those that do not follow the present guidelines will not be accepted.
- Abstracts of submitted papers will be reviewed by the Advisory Committee. In order to facilitate the application/management of permission or subsidy to their work center, the authors will be informed of the decision of acceptance or rejection of their communication 7 days after the receipt of the abstract.
- Those who present the communication should be registered in the Congress before September 30th, 2024.
- The summaries should be structured in the following way: Title, Authors (first last name and initial first name), Objectives, Method, Results and Conclusions. No tables, figures or unusual symbols should be included.
- Posters with other methodologies could be accepted.
- The written summaries should not exceed 200 words.
- Posters chosen by the Advisory Committee will be published in the Bibliographic Dossier next year.
NOTE: Submission of an abstract acknowledges the author's acceptance for its publication on the website. (only accepted posters)