The Spanish Federation of Associations for Psychosocial Rehabilitation (FEARP) aims to be a reference in the generation of knowledge about psychosocial rehabilitation, as well as a psychosocial rehabilitation, as well as a meeting place for professionals, and a means that favors networking networking among the different national and international associations of psychosocial rehabilitation professionals. national and international associations of psychosocial rehabilitation professionals.

Since its constitution, different strategic lines of work have been established on topics as significant as on topics as significant as international relations, employability, housing, human rights, gender perspective housing, human rights, gender perspective, first person, and a special focus on the publication of the journal and special attention to the publication of the journal, which is a reference source of reference in the psychosocial rehabilitation, which is undoubtedly one of the “raisons d'être” of the FEARP.

The following specific objectives are proposed:

- To consolidate FEARP as an instrument of knowledge on psychosocial rehabilitation.
- To be a meeting platform for professionals.
- To establish institutional relationships with public and private organizations.
- To support territorial associations in their development.
- To consolidate a professional space for psychosocial rehabilitation.


